What to take when leaving the house during an emergency?

Evacuating from home during an emergency such as war or natural disasters is a very stressful situation!

The road to safety can be a long journey, to an unfamiliar place, without much preparation in advance to be made.

It is important to take things with you that will make evacuation and acclimatization easier in a safe location.

It is for this that we have prepared a list of items that are important to take with you when leaving the house during an emergency.

  1. Documents: Original and nylon photo on hand
  • Passports
  • Birth Certificates
  • Medical Documents
  1.  Information:
  • Contact details of relatives – names, addresses, telephone numbers
  • Contact details of the place to which you are vacating
  • Telephone numbers and addresses of aid organizations
  • Photos of the evacuees
  • Important questions or information about you, write on a page in case of difficulty in communication
  1. Equipment
  • Money – Cash should be exchanged for currency in the country of destination, credit cards
  • Keys for the house and car
  • Telephone, mobile charger
  • Flashlight
  • Scissors
  • Pages and stationery
  • Weather-appropriate clothing in the country of origin and destination country
  • Water
  • Dry food
  • Sweet food
  1. Medicines
  • Pharmaceutical items in regular use
  • Painkillers
  • First aid: alcohol for disinfection, plasters, elastic bandages
  • Prescriptions
  1. Hygiene
  • Adult/child diapers
  • Tooth-brushes and toothpaste
  • Wet Wipes
  • Toilet paper
  • Bandages/tampons
  1. Accessories:
  • Standard /motorized wheelchair
  • Charger for the chair
  • Walking stick/walker
  • White/guide cane
  • Binoculars
  • Hearing aids + batteries
  • Sugar measuring device
  1. Children
  • Diapers
  • Drinking bottle
  • Toys
  • Stroller/carrier
  1. Pets
  • Water vessels
  • Food
  • Leash
  • Travel cage

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