
Success Stories 2023

On October 7, 2023, the Iron Swords war erupted between Israel and Hamas . In swift response to the emergency, thanks to expertise from our experience in Ukraine, our Purple Vest Mission was operational within 90 minutes of the atrocities of October 7.

The mission: to provide crucial support to people with disabilities, the elderly, and their families in regions affected by missile attacks.

This is the story of Fanny and Shimon Brown, Holocaust survivors with mobility issues, evacuated from the South by the Access Israel “Purple Vest Mission” Project

This is the story of Ada Mazouz, confined to a wheelchair, whose family was evacuated to safety from the South by the Access Israel “Purple Vest Mission” Project

Become a Purple Vest Partner

You can become a Purple Vest Partner and join the initiative remotely from your own country location, or participate on the ground in an area in emergency. You can also help by spreading the word and/or donating to the cause.