Publication of Accessibility Arrangements for Emergencies

Accessibility arrangements are the accessibility adaptations that exist within an organization. These should be published on the organization’s website to ensure that people with disabilities can receive information in advance about the level of accessibility at the location, and access services, buildings, information, and activities in an equitable manner. In routine situations, accessibility arrangements allow people with disabilities to become familiar with your services and find the most accessible way to receive them. In emergencies, this information can be life-saving.

How can you adapt your accessibility arrangements for emergencies?

  •  General Statement – For example: “Our company places great importance on emergency preparedness. As part of this, we have taken the following measures:”
  • Where is your protected space? Sheltered room, shelter, bunker, protected area, etc..
  •  If the protected space is not accessible or is far away – What is the safest and most accessible place available?
  • Describe the path leading to the protected space (stairs, sidewalk, floor level).
  • Is there clear signage directing to an accessible route to the protected spaces, including the accessible ones?
  •  Do you have a portable ramp to overcome the height difference at the entrance to the protected spaces?
  •  What rescue equipment do you have available? (chair, stretcher, sling)
  • If the path is unclear, you can add photos or videos to help people understand the route to the protected space.
  • Who to contact for information and assistance during an emergency – Name and phone number of security officer, emergency manager, or other.
  •  Publish information about all protected spaces in the building and its surroundings.
  • Publish this information in different languages.
  • Any additional information you would like to share about emergency situations in your offices or branches should also be noted. This knowledge will not only help a person with a disability during an emergency but will also help them feel safer when visiting.


For professional assistance, guidance, implementation, training of ‘Purple Vest’ volunteers, and practicing with people with disabilities, please contact the Purple Vest team.

Read More Information

Publication of Accessibility Arrangements for Emergencies

How to Prepare a Personal Protection and Evacuation Plan in Advance

Assisting Apps and Technologies for Emergency Times