
Our Partners

The Purple Vest Mission takes advantage of all the processes in place that have been created by organizations and volunteers operating on the ground. We connect the existing services and information sources, providing value to our partners, and work together to make sure we leave no one behind.

הסוכנות היהודי לארץ ישראל - the jewish agency for israel

From founding and building the State of Israel to planting and nurturing the seeds of friendship between Jewish communities separated by distance, since 1929, we have been working to secure a vibrant Jewish future for generations to come

זק"א - איתור חילוץ והצלה - חסד של אמת

An Israeli organization with thousands of volunteers who assist in the activities of the rescue and security forces. The organizational and operational efficiency and professional approach of the ZKA organization and its volunteers, who have been involved more than once in complex tasks in Israel and around the world, as well as perseverance and adherence to the task have become a thing of the past.

הצלה ללא גבולות SSF - sauveterus sans frontiress - rescue without borders

Rescuers Without Borders aka Yekirei Hatzalah Yehuda and Shomron is an Israeli volunteer organization, with a network of over 1,600 medics, paramedics, and doctors, who are committed to saving lives.

- JDCג'וינט ישראל יחד בעשייה חברתית

The Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) is the largest Jewish humanitarian organization in the world. Our goal in Israel is to promote quality of life and equal opportunity and to narrow socioeconomic gaps in Israeli society.

עמותת יד עזר לחבר

Yad Ezer LaHever was founded in 1995 in Haifa. In 2001 it became an association registered with the Registrar of Associations. The background for its establishment was the difficult economic and social situation of Holocaust survivors in Israel.

WID - world institute on disabilitity

To build a more inclusive global society, the World Institute on Disability (WID): Helps assure that products and services are more accessible Promotes equity policies Provides consulting services Offers training and tools. Supports emergency, disaster, and climate efforts.

Become a Purple Vest Partner

You can become a Purple Vest Partner and join the initiative remotely from your own country location, or participate on the ground in an area in emergency. You can also help by spreading the word and/or donating to the cause.